Home of Emotions
Where IVs drip in sync with trickling tears,
Curtains compartmentalize anxiety
Slicing into skin deeper than the scalpel
Where first steps march along to pride and cheers,
Even as these feet endure a lifetime of concrete
Breaking beneath them
Where loneliness is the sole visitor, yet
Young hands reach out to kaleidoscopes of rainbow stethoscopes
Keeping away monsters under the bed
Where life unravels into a continuum, nears
Recognition that “we tried our best” may be
The worst end of a sentence
Where prayers protect from materializing fears,
Remembrance of the comfort of bedside chatter
Shrouds the worst that could come
Where bedtime stories from memories,
Courage to leave on legs saying never,
Slowing the chaos, commotion, coaxing out smiles for tomorrows