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I am as if sewn yesterday. My poems
follow the crooked stitching of
their genesis. Metered bit by bit.
Meteored bit by bit,
Thrust a needle against fabric
and call it art. Call it love. Call it
holy. Call it what mom insisted
about TV. Flick the remote
sideways to crumble the
moon. This is art, too.
Not a patchwork of dust
and stars and empty
laughs. Not a thread
of hope lingering after dinner that maybe today you will finally talk to each other.
This is running loose at the dinner table
yesterday. This is taking the needle
to the wall instead. This is digging in
space for the stars and only catching
them on the screen. This is weaving
the world together, all by yourself.
CATERINA DONG '24/MD'28 is constantly trying to expand herself.
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